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ASAP! No office hrs English teaching job in Yuncheng,Shanxi province! 15K after

Education/Teaching | Full-time | Yuncheng | Posted by:Celine123     Aug 09 10:50      share    Tel:15172359257     Working City:Yuncheng   Hits:

ASAP! No office hrs English teaching job in Yuncheng,Shanxi province! 15K after tax!

Job Description:

-Work load:25-27classes/w+ no office hrs+Mon to Fri(8:30-12:00 2:30-6:00)/weekends off

-Location:Yuncheng ,Shanxiprovince

-Type of school: a private school

-Class size:30

-Vacancies: 5 ESL teachers

-Student age: 6-15

-Type of work: full time

-Start: ASAP


Salary & Benefits:

-Salary :15K after tax

-Free apartment:provided

-30%Paid winter and summer holidays off

-Commercial insurance: provided

-Work visa: provided


Applicants required to be

-Native/Excellent English speakers

-Bachelor degree or above

-2-year related teaching experience/120 hrs TEFL/TESOL

Documents Needed:

- Resume and recent photos

- Teaching certificate

- Bachelor degree or above certificate

- Photocopy of passport and visa


How to apply:

Please reply Alisa with your resume (with mobile number and email address) / photo / passport / visa / degree

A reward of 2000 RMB will be offered for successful referrals !

Offer a person for the position

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  • Talent details
  • Bounty record
Report Abuse     Jobs Offered ID: 54955

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